Restaurant Hospitality Resume Examples


A resume is an advertisement of a persons skills, expertise, achievements,
education and abilities, they have in a specific work area, written in a
short and concise manner.

The resume serves one purpose: to get a job interview with a human
resources person or a person within a company that has the authority to
hire you for a job. No more, no less..

I have been an employer (manager) and I have been an employee.

As a manager, the resumes that caught my eye first were, concise, to the
point and well written.When going thru a stack of resumes, those that
did not appear well written, were put at the bottom of the stack. Some
may have never been considered over the professionally written resumes.

As an employee, my success in securing interviews, was very high. I
sought advice as how to present my skills and expertise, in a targeted
resume, to secure the interview. A targeted resume is a specific resume
for a specific job.

Should you have little or no work experience, don’t be discouraged. List
your acheivements from school that pertain to the job you want. Anything
you have done that conveys a message to an employer, “you are the one
for the job”, is helpful. Enthusiasm is one of the traits employers look for.

One of the mechanics of a great resume is to write it for the job being
offered. For instance, if the classified ad is for a furniture salesperson,
write your resume or have a professional resume writer compose one for
you that is almost a repeat of the classified ad.

Slant your resume to what the employer is looking.

“I am a furniture
salesperson seeking a position with your company, etc. etc.” This tells
the employer you want the job as a furniture salesperson and your
resume will show your qualifications.

The days of having one resume for any and all jobs are gone. Today’s job
market requires you to write your resume sample and cover letter for what
the position is. Furniture sales, furniture salesperson resume.

Employers also like acheivements and accomplishments. How many
percentage points did you raise your sales by each year? Did you
increase sales by $100,000 per year? Tell them, that’s the kind of
information that gets you an interview. That said, be sure you can back
up your accomplishments with factual information. Don’t lie to get the

By writing or have written a sample resume and resume cover letter
that is honest, factual and with no hype, you should get the interview
for the job you want.


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